20 years in: A look at President Crow's vision for accessibility and excellence in the New American University
An article and video interview with President Crow discussing his inspiration, vision and plans as he marks 20 years at ASU.
The Equity/Excellence Imperative A 2030 Blueprint for Undergraduate Education at U.S. Research Universities
A report by The Boyer 2030 Commission outlining strategies for advancing equity and excellence in undergraduate education at U.S. research universities.
Can a public university advance religious freedom? ASU President Michael Crow’s tenacious take
An article summarizing President Crow's remarks at an event hosted by The Coalition on Human Dignity and Religious Freedom.
A letter from the president
A guest column by President Crow reflecting on his 20 years at ASU.
Toward a platform for universal learning
An article discussing the redesign of higher education optimizing scalable, personalized learning technologies can produce positive societal change.
Dare to be different
An interview with Campus Review highlighting the use of technology to increase access to education.
Democratising higher education for the benefit of society
An op-ed urging the radical differentiation in new higher education models dedicated to access, technology and the changing needs of society.
How to innovate to personalize learning at scale
A podcast interview discussing ASU's evolution as a leader in personalized learning.
ASU + GSV Summit 2022: The future of education in California
A panel conversation from the 2022 ASU + GSV Summit on the impact of COVID-19 on education in California and what can be done to better serve learners going forward.
Supporting refugee students' higher ed potential
An op-ed urging the Biden administration to establish a university sponsorship program for refugee students
State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University 2022
An overview of ASU's progress in 2021 and plans for 2022.