



The cover of a presentation titled, "State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University."

State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University: 2025

Video and presentation slides of ASU's annual operational and financial review for the Arizona Board of Regents

A title card featuring an image of the ASU Charter monument on the ASU Tempe campus.

A new standard for higher education: Arizona State University

A stone monument inscribed with a university charter statement sits on campus as a reminder of the institution's commitment to advancing access, excellence and impact.

ASU as the 'New American University' sets the model for higher education reform

An article highlighting the 10-year milestone of ASU's first official charter.

A person in a blue shirt and blazer stands smiling in a university greenhouse.

ASU President Michael Crow named to TIME100 Climate list

A article describing the TIME100 Climate list and the leadership and achievements that contributed to ASU's recognition.

A person wearing a blue jacket and shirt leans on a wooden reception desk in the lobby of the ASU California Center.

2024 Brock Prize Laureate: Michael M. Crow

An announcement highlighting President Crow as the 2024 Brock Prize in Education Innovation Laureate.

Morning Scoop: Innovative solution to Arizona's healthcare crisis

A video interview discussing ASU Health, the university's approach to Arizona's urgent healthcare needs.

A person in a blue blazer leans on a wooden reception desk in the lobby of a building in downtown Los Angeles.

The New American University

An interview on leadership with LEADERS magazine.

A presentation cover slide introducing the 2023 State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University

State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University 2023

A presentation detailing ASU's progress toward its charter, mission and goals.

A person stands at a podium smiling with excitement in front of a crimson-lit new building at its grand opening.

20 years in: A look at President Crow's vision for accessibility and excellence in the New American University

An article and video interview with President Crow discussing his inspiration, vision and plans as he marks 20 years at ASU.

A group of graduates wearing robes, mortar boards and tassles stand in shadow against a blue sky.

The Equity/Excellence Imperative A 2030 Blueprint for Undergraduate Education at U.S. Research Universities

A report by The Boyer 2030 Commission outlining strategies for advancing equity and excellence in undergraduate education at U.S. research universities.

A smiling person with long gray hair wearing a white jacket hands a handmade necklace and medallion made of turqoise, silver and other stones to a peson wearing a blue blazer inside a venue.

Arizona Board of Regents celebrates President Crow's first 20 years at ASU

An article summarizing the event hosted by ABOR to commemorate President Crow's 20th anniversary at ASU.

ASU: The university the world needs now

A video sharing ASU's innovative vision for the future of education.