Student Success

ASU Charter: Learning is for everyone
A new video featuring ASU students sharing the significance of the university charter to their learning and the future.

We build our future: Fall University Commencement
A highlight video of President Crow's remarks from ASU's 2024 fall commencement ceremonies.

President Crow exhorts new grads to 'make this country better, stronger, more just'
An article summarizing President Crow's graduate and undergraduate commencement remarks.

Can we be more like Gen Z?
An op-ed with Teach For America's Elisa Villanueva Beard on what current leaders can do to help Gen Z to achieve their aspirations.

Education through exploration: Dreamscape Learn
A video showcasing Dreamscape Learn, a revolutionary, collaborative initiative merging education, storytelling and VR to improve learning outcomes.

Amazing Arizonans: ASU president Michael Crow explains realignment, running a university
A one-on-one interview on higher education in Arizona, free speech, college athletics and more.

Common sense immigration reform is popular and will drive economic security. Congress must act quickly.
An op-ed calling for Congressional action to enact meaningful immigration reform.

How the university adjusted to the pandemic
A transcript of remarks to the Federal Reserve regarding ASU's navigation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spring 2021 employee welcome
President Michael M. Crow welcomes employees to the spring 2021 semester at Arizona State University.