
State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University: 2025
Video and presentation slides of ASU's annual operational and financial review for the Arizona Board of Regents

President Crow exhorts new grads to 'make this country better, stronger, more just'
An article summarizing President Crow's graduate and undergraduate commencement remarks.

ASU as the 'New American University' sets the model for higher education reform
An article highlighting the 10-year milestone of ASU's first official charter.

Edison Awards announces Michael M. Crow as 2025 Achievement Award honoree
An ASU News story announcing the recipient of the prestigious innovation and technology recognition award.

University Futures: A President's Panel
A panel discussion between four innovative university leaders on the future of higher education.

A higher purpose: Ten people making higher education more affordable, accessible and effective
A list article highlighting ten leaders improving higher education.

Bringing vitality to city centers
An article summarizing the 2024 Los Angeles Dinner and Conversation dedicated to discussing the revitalization of city centers and how universities can help.

2024 Brock Prize Laureate: Michael M. Crow
An announcement highlighting President Crow as the 2024 Brock Prize in Education Innovation Laureate.

Talking innovation in higher education with Michael Crow
A podcast interview examining artificial intelligence, innovation, the democratization of education and the future of learning.

Talking Innovation in Higher Education with Michael Crow
A podcast interview discussing pioneering technologies and their potentially powerful impact on teaching and learning.

Making an impact in California: Higher ed leaders on the learning and ed tech revolution
A video conversation exploring how educational technology creates new learning opportunities globally, nationally, and in California specifically, opportunities to serve more learners at scale.