University Design
Edison Awards announces Michael M. Crow as 2025 Achievement Award honoree
An ASU News story announcing the recipient of the prestigious innovation and technology recognition award.
University Futures: A President's Panel
A panel discussion between four innovative university leaders on the future of higher education.
Morning Scoop: Innovative solution to Arizona's healthcare crisis
A video interview discussing ASU Health, the university's approach to Arizona's urgent healthcare needs.
Does higher ed need to be more techy and less risk averse?
A podcast interview with the Higher Education Spotlight exploring the need for more innovation around learning and technology.
Ever higher education
An interview moderated by Shelly C. Lowe, chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
A new ASU design aspiration: Principled Innovation
A video introducing ASU's first new design aspiration since 2002.
New American University: Toward 2028 and Beyond
A booklet summarizing ASU's charter, mission and goals that also introduces the university's ninth design aspiration, Principled Innovation.
The New American University: The University-Think Tank Partnership
An interview on the origin, design and impact of ASU's partnership with New America.
Strategies for driving institutional change
A podcast interview discussing the origin and mission of the ASU model and the steps involved in its evolution.