Knowledge economy

Knowledge economy


A person in business attire sits and speaks into a microphone on-stage during a fireside chat about US research universities.

University research is the "invisible hand" in advancing innovation

A video excerpt describing how the iPhone exemplies the collective impact of academic research.

A person in business attire holds out a tomato in front of a table of students with laptops during a class lecture on innovation.

Rethinking public affairs at ASU

A video giving an insight look at the science policy and public affairs course co-taught by President Crow each spring at ASU.

Three people sit on stage holding microphones and discussing the role of universities during a large educational technology conference.

The role of universities in advancing democracy

A conversation exploring the role of higher education in strengthening democracy.

Crow on the outdated model of higher education

A video excerpt from a Washington Post Live interview about the Future of Work.

Side-by-side head shots of two science and technology policy leaders and authors smiling and dressed in dark clothing.

Enhancing trust in science and democracy in an age of misinformation

An op-ed in Issues in Science and Technology co-authored with Marcia McNutt, president of the National Academy of Sciences.

An illustrated gold wave design sits against a backdrop of stars in a dark sky.

Finding Collective Advantage in Shared Knowledge

An Issues in Science and Technology podcast interview on the historical impact of U.S. investment in science.

An illustration of the Arizona Capitol dome and weather vein.

Morning Scoop: A Conversation with Arizona's Presidents

A panel conversation with the three presidents of Arizona's public universities hosted by the Arizona Capitol Times.

A person wearing protective eye wear and gloves tests semiconductors in a lab.

Arizona is ready to become the Silicon Desert

A podcast examining with the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act could mean for the future of Arizona.

Four green microchips laying on a black surface.

America once dominated the semiconductor industry. Here's why we must win again.

An op-ed exploring how the US lost its preeminence in semiconductor manufacturing and what actions can be taken to regain it.

Rendering of the Arizona capitol dome

Morning Scoop: New Economy Initiative

An interview on the New Economy Initiative.

A large group of people march on a street holding handmade signs in support of the Dream Act and students.

Common sense immigration reform is popular and will drive economic security. Congress must act quickly.

An op-ed calling for Congressional action to enact meaningful immigration reform.

An artist's close-up rendering of a microchip in green, black, orange and yellow

The next 75 years of U.S. science and innovation policy

An article examining how the future of scientific research needs to be restructured to meet the increasingly complex needs and challenges facing society.