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The Show: ASU response to recent federal changes
A KJZZ Phoenix interview focusing on recent federal changes related to American higher education.
March 03, 2025
The Axe Files with David Axelrod: Michael Crow
An in-depth podcast interview about President Crow's education and career, and how his experiences shaped his approach to teaching, learning, innovation and technology.
March 03, 2024
Amazing Arizonans: ASU president Michael Crow explains realignment, running a university
A one-on-one interview on higher education in Arizona, free speech, college athletics and more.
September 09, 2023Listen - all

Solving For X - Sun Devil Startups Pursue Business Success
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April 04, 2017
ASU President Crow Discusses How Arizona Can Be More Competitive
Steve Goldstein of KJZZ speaks with President Crow about how to make Arizona more competitive.
January 01, 2017
The Cost of Higher Education: Four Years Out of Pocket
Discussion about the value of a college degree and how universities can make college attainment more affordable as part. Hosted by The Economist.
June 06, 2015
Jack Stripling Talks About ASU President Michael Crow's Impact On Higher Education
Chronicle of Higher Education reporter Jack Stripling talks about ASU president Michael Crow
April 04, 2015
Future of Arizona Higher Education
President Michael Crow talks about the future of higher education in Arizona and the impact of his first decade
December 12, 2012
President Crow on the DREAM act and keeping ASU innovative
President Crow sits down with host Steve Goldstein to talk about the DREAM act and a host of other issues.
October 10, 2011