Watch - featured

University research is the "invisible hand" in advancing innovation
A video excerpt describing how the iPhone exemplies the collective impact of academic research.
February 28, 2025
State of the ASU Public Enterprise and Arizona State University: 2025
Video and presentation slides of ASU's annual operational and financial review for the Arizona Board of Regents
February 13, 2025
Rethinking public affairs at ASU
A video giving an insight look at the science policy and public affairs course co-taught by President Crow each spring at ASU.
February 21, 2025Watch all

2018 Community Conversation: Velocity of Change
A presentation on the impact of technology on the rapid rate of knowledge creation and ASU's adapative approach to lifelong learning.
March 01, 2018
ASU Strategic Enterprise Plan 2018: Part 2
The conclusion of ASU's annual operational and fiscal review to the Arizona Board of Regents.
February 09, 2018
ASU Strategic Enterprise Plan 2018: Part 1
ASU's annual operational and fiscal review to the Arizona Board of Regents.
February 09, 2018
ASU in China Q-and-A
A short Q-and-A explaining the significance of ASU's engagement with China
November 01, 2017
The Future of Higher Education: The Real Innovations We Need
President Crow discusses the evolution of American higher education and the innovations needed to meet 21st century needs.

ASU Strategic Enterprise Plan 2017
A presentation of ASU's annual progress report to the Arizona Board of Regents.
February 03, 2017
ASU: Together, Our Potential is Limitless
An introduction to Campaign ASU 2020.
January 27, 2017
Growth, Innovation and the Future of the Arizona Economy
A presentation on the Arizona economy and its future competitiveness and prosperity.
December 22, 2016
ASU Salute to Service 2016
A message thanking the men and women of the US military for their service.
November 01, 2016
Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care
An introduction to the Mayo Clinic and ASU Alliance for Health Care.
October 21, 2016
Leadership Insights
A brief interview on leadership and advice for future leaders.
September 16, 2016
Entrepreneurial Mindset in Higher Education — Dr. Michael Crow
President of Arizona State University, Michael Crow, shares what he and his institution have learned about institutional change in higher education. Hint: it's not about strategic planning; it's about goals, accountability, and an entrepreneurial mindset.
July 31, 2016