President's awards

President's Awards

President's Awards reinforce ASU's culture and support its objectives. They promote and perpetuate our shared values of excellence, innovation, continuous improvement, creative expression, peer recognition, collaboration across departments and disciplines, use-inspired outcomes, and community spirit. The awards provide the university and employees with opportunities to recognize and celebrate the commitment and contributions of ASU employees.

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President’s Award for Sustainability

The President’s Award for Sustainability recognizes ASU faculty and staff who have demonstrated excellence in fostering sustainability at ASU. 

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President's Medal for Social Embeddedness

President’s Medal for Social Embeddedness recognizes faculty and staff who have demonstrated excellence in embedding ASU in the social and cultural fabric of our community.

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President's Award for Innovation

President’s Award for Innovation recognizes ASU faculty and staff who have made contributions to ASU and higher education through innovative projects and programs.

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President’s Award for Transdisciplinary Collaboration

This award seeks to recognize multidisciplinary project teams undertaking exemplary transectoral collaboration addressing a complex societally relevant issue. These research teams work collaboratively with actively engaged participants from different sectors — academia, business and industry, government laboratories and agencies, and organizations in civil society. Exemplary transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral projects must integrate the following characteristics:

  • Dual motivations or integrated purposes that seek new knowledge and address a critical societal challenge. 
  • Shared leadership by academic researchers and researchers representing wider society, working in a collaborative and equitable partnership. 
  • Sustained urgency and intensely focused on addressing a societal program while recognizing that fundamental understanding requires sustained effort.

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President's Award for Global Engagement

The President's Award for Global Engagement recognizes members of the ASU community that make significant and innovative advances to advance the university's global engagement design aspiration.